US Copyright Office is an easy and accessible online form processing unit that registers provides trademark and copyrights in just four simple steps. US Copyright Office is the official US Government Body that is a part of the Library of Congress to preserve and sustain the records of all the copyright registration in the United States.

Our services include a seamless handling of submissions by the clients, make them accessible to the Congress Library and provide an effective assistance to each client in processing their forms with complete assurance of accuracy and prompt response from the government.

Just click APPLY Now and get started.

US Copyright Office serves across protected 2048-bit encryption SSL (Secure Socket Layer) connection that incorporated SHA-2 Certificate to ensure the privacy and security of the data provided by the clients without reservations.


To make your work protected under your original label and to maintain your authentic authorship, you must register it and get a trademark or copyright protection. Click ‘Apply Now’ and submit your work on the online form of US Copyright office to begin the process.

After applying for the process following procedure will be executed till the time of you receiving your trademark or copyright.

You will receive an email for US Copyright Office where you have to be responsive by providing us with your original file(s) or document(s). Your submission will be electronic upload and you can also request for a shipping slip. You can also mail your work by the use of the shipping slip.

Your approved trademark and copyright registration will be received by you and activated simultaneously on the same day by US Copyright Office.

You will be allocated a service request number prior receiving your official certificate through mail. This service request number will also be sent directly from US Copyright Office.

Our registration providing service caters both individuals and businesses for their trademarks and copyrights. Our services are effective, prompt and also pocket friendly and fulfill all the necessary criteria of professionalism.



we provide copyright registration services for the ‘Work’ mention below:

Literary WORK

If you are intended to get your literary work registered for copyright, please select tab ‘Literary Work’. US Copyright Office provides and exclusive and authentic legal right for your literary work that embarks you the original creator of the content for a fixed number of years. This assurance will enables the originator of the content to print, publish, perform or record any kind of literary material with any doubt of dwelling with plagiarism or being copied.

US Copyright Office provides an intellectual yet trustworthy sense of custody to the literary property of its owner that only the owner will have a right to develop copies of his/her literary or creative work.

The Literary Work is sub categorized as follows:

Research Articles

US Copyright Office facilitates students and researchers to get their research work or study registered and avail copyright protection in order to save their work to be claimed by other students or researchers and as well as prohibited for commercial or non-commercial for private study research or publication.

Click on Literary Work and select ‘Research Article’. This section accumulates all type of research-based work that include original mathematical researches, literacy research articles, novel reviews and discussions over the existing researches and articles, scientific and practical researches and peer review articles related medicines, health professions, engineering, psychology, agriculture, linguistic science, bio-medical and Arts and Humanities.

Digital Articles, Computer Program and Educational Website Contents​​

Your digital articles or website contents are also subject to be protected by copyright law. US Copyright Office offers the registration for copyright for the digitized contents that include digital articles, computer programs and educational website contents. Your content will be secure and will be limited for being copied, reused or redistribute.

To register your digital contents for copyright protection, select Digital Articles, Computer Program and Educational Website Contents’ and follow the simple procedure.

Thesis / Dissertation​

US Copyright Office covers all the copyrightable documents include thesis or dissertation with very swift, authentic and law abide procedure. US Copyright Office provides the copyright protocol as soon as the document is entered for the copyright registration through a tangible medium of expression i.e written on your document that it is subject to copyright.

US Copyright Office complies simple and easy to go practice to get your submitted thesis or dissertation, registered for copyright, following all the copyright law without much formalities. However, registering your work timely brings legal benefits in no time.

Novels, Short Stories or Non-Fiction Writeups:

US Copyright Office guarantees the literary and creative authors an exclusive and authentic copyright protocol that prohibits copying and distribution of their original work elsewhere with author’s permission.

The works include any kind of novels, short stories, fantasy descriptions and non-fiction writeups.

To register your literary or creative work for copyright protection, select ‘Novels, Short Stories or Non-Fiction Writeups’ and follow the simple procedure.

Plagiarism Policies and Regulations​

Plagiarism is unlikely the case of forgery, where the uniqueness and authenticity of the written documents, it is purely concerned with the accusation of illegal and false attribution. Plagiarism is more clearly described as the unauthorized use or imitation adjacent to original work, language, thoughts and ideas of another writer and representing the copied word as own.

US Copyright Office does not only shelter the registered documents under the copyright protocol but also formulate a strict policy to suppress this act in any way following to the legal guidelines and instructions.


We satisfy our clients with a fastest and reliable processing

We send and official email with the service request number and the information of your account after we register your submitted work.

The service number is very important as it helps you to track the progress of your copyright certificate.
Please keep this in mind that after getting your work registered, it is safe and protected and you can swiftly progress for the publication and distribution process.

After receiving your submitted application, you will be assisted to a webpage where you have to complete the further procedure to get a copyright logo and to get it downloaded.

Success Rate


Copyright Registered


Trademark Registered


Success Rate


Rejected Filings